Fixed Deposit in Hindi | FD में निवेश | Before investing in FD, (Pay attention to these 5 things)

Fixed Deposits:
5 things you must look at before investing in FDs

1. Reliability of FD Providers: There is a number of NBFC’s providing a higher rate of the fixed deposit, As a customer, we should not always be more bent toward a higher rate of interest.

2. Interest offer: On the basis of your chosen term, the banks offer different interest rates,
which are different in different banks. At the same time, interest rates vary according to age
as senior citizens get higher interest rates.

3. Cumulative and non-cumulative FD: In a cumulative FD, interest earned on regular intervals gets re-attached.

4. Loan on FD: Loan facility on FD is one of the biggest advantages FD can get. The loan can be taken up to 90 per cent on the FD in the Emergency. Banks charge interest rates on FDs, which are different in different banks.

5. Premature withdrawal: Before fudge, fines can be imposed on fines. Typically, the bank can be fined the interest by lowering the interest rate, after finishing its FD investment before the end of the term. Some banks allow investors to withdraw from time-to-time FDs without charge, as these customers have other FDs with the same bank.
Before investing, compare the banks who invest less time on the withdrawal before the FD.

Bank FD interest rates are in the 6.5-7.5%. The bank will pay the contracted rate of interest on your deposit. Which bank is best for a fixed deposit in 2019? Compare Fixed Deposit Interest Rates 2019 in India.

Bank FD Rate of Interest
SBI Fixed Deposit 5.75% – 6.85%
HDFC Bank Fixed Deposit 3.50% – 7.40%
ICICI Bank Fixed Deposit 4.00% – 7.50%
Axis Bank 3.50% – 8.00%

Bank Senior Citizen FD Rates
SBI Fixed Deposit 6.25% – 7.35%
HDFC Bank Fixed Deposit 4.00% – 7.90%
ICICI Bank Fixed Deposit 4.50% – 8.00%
Axis Bank 3.50% – 8.40%


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