Goal-Based Investment Planning

What Is Goal-Based Investment Planning?

Goal-based investment planning is comparatively a new approach to wealth management that completely focuses on investing with the target of achieving specific life goals.

Goal-based investing (GBI) involves a wealth manager or financial investment advisor that helps you measure and progress towards specific life goals, like saving for children’s education or building a retirement funds, instead of emphasizing on generating the best possible portfolio return.

Understanding Goal-Based Investing:
Every individual has financial goals that he/she wants to reach within the short-term, medium-term or long-term period. Investing regularly so that to reach the respective financial goal is named goal-based investing.

For instance, if you propose to shop for a luxury car within the next 2-3 years, it’s a short-term investment goal.

Likewise, if you would like to plan for your retirement, children’s education, then these are often termed as long-term investment goals.

Goal-based investing differs from traditional investing, so, it becomes a metrics of success in co-relation to how well the investor is in a position to satisfy his or her personal life goals, instead of how well his or her investments perform against the market average, during a given period.

Goal-based investing re-defines success with to investment as it supports one’s financial needs and goals.

If a main goal is to save for upcoming imminent retirement and fund the education of young grandchildren, then the investment strategy would be more conservative for the previous goal and comparatively aggressive for the latter.

The advantages of goal-based investing include:

  • Clients’ increased commitment to their life goals by allowing them to watch, and participate in tangible progress.
  • This investment strategy provides discount in impulsive decision-making and overreaction in highly fluctuating market.
  • This investment strategy helps you categorize your short, medium-term and long-term financial goals.
  • The goal-based strategy provides you a close look of availability of your own assets.
  • This investment strategy provides asset allocation strategy, and one’s appetite for risk taking.
  • It helps you find a right investment selection and portfolio.
  • Goal-based investing focuses on life goals instead of obtaining a high portfolio return.
  • Goal-based investment planning emphasizes or focuses on attaining financial goals that matter in once personal life.

How Goal–Based Investment Planning Works:

  • Risk Profiling
  • Review of existing Assets and Liabilities
  • Counselling for removing unproductive assets
  • Assessment of Monetary Goals (retirement, child education, housing etc)
  • Prioritization of Monetary Goals
  • Goal Affordability
  • Goal-based Investment Advice
  • Customized Asset Allocation
  • Detailed Investment Plan (including mutual funds)
  • Investment in open-end fund Direct Plans

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